Thursday 17 August 2017

A Highland Hideaway: Kintail Lodge

Hidden away at the foot of the imposing Glenshiel peaks, where the foaming waters of the River Shiel tumble into the deep basin of Loch Duich, lies one of Scotland's most remarkable hotels. The whitewashed, seventeenth-century Kintail Lodge, with its elegant gables and porthole windows, sits precariously perched on a rocky promontory, dwarfed by the unrelenting slopes of the Five Sisters mountains, five eternal giants which rise to three thousand, five hundred feet in stature, and the vast, shimmering loch beyond.

Sgùrr Mhic Bharraich towering over sun-drenched Loch Duich.

The elegant architecture of Kintail Lodge.

Kintail Lodge in its peaceful setting on Loch Duich, dwarfed by the bulk of Sgùrr an Airgid.
The lodge's peaceful gardens open onto a curving shingle beach, from where it is possible to delight in the timeless Scottish scene of fishing boats bobbing on the rippling waves, beneath high, tree-lined hills and ever-changing skies. As the sun beams down on the tranquil bay, and the quaint white cottages scattered along its far shore, the silence and stillness are momentarily punctuated by the deep-throated cry of a sea bird, or the bark of a farmer's sheepdog, bounding into the shallows. When the warm evening sun gives way to the darkness of night, and the western skies glow gold, a wondrous sight is set before us: the radiant moon shines down on the brooding mountain tops, and its milky white light is perfectly reflected in the mirror-glass water, now silent and motionless. This sublime natural theatre is perfectly illuminated by the lights of remote cottages strung along the shore, for the delight of the locals and visitors who frequent Kintail Lodge.

A Kintail Sunset
Luxury rooms at Kintail Lodge.

Smoked haddock chowder and Irn Bru with a view.
The lodge's twelve beautifully-appointed bedrooms, finished off with tartan throws, afford an incomparable vantage point for this natural spectacle; a stone's throw from the water's edge are the cosy lounge bar and conservatory restaurant, which provide a marvellous opportunity to sample Scotland's famed food and drink in quintessentially Highland surroundings. The chance to savour a hearty haddock chowder and the rich flavours of local venison, finished off with an indulgent chocolate tart, as the warm evening sun streams in through the picture windows, with the rugged peaks glowing and the loch glimmering gold, provides the ultimate dining experience. Following a late-night lochside walk to take in a tranquil sunset, and to spot the pine martens which scurry into and out of the deep forests all around, the lodge's luxurious beds and peaceful surroundings ensure a sound night's sleep.

Local Venison.

The incredible chocolate tart with chocolate soil and double chocolate ice cream.
The Five Sisters beneath a setting sun.

The following morning, the sublime sight of emerald green hills rising majestically out of the azure blue loch into cloudless skies will delight every guest, rising in eager anticipation of a day in the hills. After a filling Scottish breakfast with captivating lochside views, it is time to explore the wonders of Kintail, with its mighty mountains and awe-inspiring waterfalls, and maybe even a few deer! Whichever way the guests turn their gaze, adventure awaits, and they will be sure to have a tale to tell on their return, just in time for a hearty Highland feast.

Morning sun on Loch Duich.

Full Scottish breakfast with a view.
The walk to the Falls of Glomach, one of the many wilderness adventures that awaits at Kintail Lodge's doorstep.